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tv   Fox 5 News at 5  FOX  October 26, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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get things that might be wind blown out of your yard and front porch. prepare for a power outage. now, as we go through sunday, sunday a day where you can get things done but it will be getting breeze yes, sir and by sunday -- breezier and by sunday night intensity. sunday night as well as monday, this is when we think what's left of sandy is probably going to be making some kind of landfall between the mid- atlantic and new england and where it comes ashore north of it and along the path will be the worst effects. we are not sure where that's going to be yet but i can tell you that the worst effects that we will feel around here even if we don't get the worst of this thing would be monday night through tuesday night where we could have winds sustained at 40 to 50, maybe some gusts to strong tropical storm strength or even to low hurricane strength, especially along the coastal areas and we also want you to be prepared for the possibility of four to
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8 inches of rain, that could go up and of course this is storm total now, we are talking from sunday night through tuesday night, so this is kind of the preliminary of what we are looking at, we will get into more details. wanted you to see temperaturewise still very warm in the east coast, here comes the winterlike cold and this thing could be producing up to 2 feet of snow in the appalachians of west virginia where winter storm watches are already posted so that's why this is a very unique situation. gary, i know you've got the latest from the national hurricane center on the potential track. i hope there are changes. >> reporter: not really. i'm glad you went first because it gave us the chance to get the 5:00 update into the system and get it correct and first i want to start with a satellite here because it gives you an idea of a couple of things, sandy has really been taking a little bit of a hit today with dry air, the wind shear, those strong winds aloft continue to beat at this storm so the weakening continues and i guess in the short term, that's the good news here, we certainly
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don't want her to be getting any stronger and again, the satellite picture in the -- basically the newest numbers coming in now from the national hurricane center, they don't change much here, basically this is the same in terms of intensity, maximum sustained winds right now, 75 miles per hour, so technically still hurricane sandy, movement is to the north and it really has slowed down, 7 miles per hour in the barometric pressure has been holding steady. as we take this out into time, there has been a change, probably as early as tonight, it weakens to a tropical storm. you can see there it goes through a weakening cycle but still forecast to ramp back up to a minimal hurricane and even be strengthening before it makes that left turn which brings it right here into the mid-atlantic. this track has changed a little bit and believe it or not, that takes it right into cape may
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there. don't focus so much on the line, though. it is going to be a very broad storm. as a matter of fact, as it begins to make its transition, feeding off the colder air to the west, the wind field within this storm is going to expand so we feel like we could have winds over 60 miles per hour within 300 or 400 miles from the center of this storm, so there is no way we can say this is a small storm. as it gets closer to the coast it's going to grow larger and larger and the wind field will grow broader and broader. >> you've been doing this now over 20 years. how bad is this in your opinion? >> i think if this comes right at the mid-atlantic and the reason that i'm so concerned about this mid-atlantic track is because will on any land falling hurricane, the northern and the northeastern sections of the storm, that's the strongest part of the storm,
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that's where all the wind is bringing all the water up against the shore. that's where the highest storm surge is going to be and if it comes in through the mid- atlantic, right through cape may bay you're going to end up with maybe storm surge that would rival any storm surge coming into the northeastern corridor, this may be something for philadelphia, something we have never seen before and again, the wind field broadening like this, will, 300 miles in all directions with winds exceeding 50 or 60 miles per hour, this is unprecedented in so many ways. >> gary mcgrady, sue palka we will see you again soon. >> and fox 5 news is making you are prepared for hurricane sandy with team coverage tonight. bob barnard, and beth parker is in northwest to tell you how to prepare for possible flooding. what can we do if the lights go out again. >> shawn, unfortunately, we have had a good deal of practice in recent years and in thisase there is time to
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repair. so the bottom line is make sure you have everything you'll need to survive at home without electricity for up to a week or so. contractors were trimming trees this morning in northwest washington, part of pepco's year end efforts to better protect its powerlines, certainly facing another major test in the coming days. >> this is a hurricane, a hurricane is a major event wherever it makes landfall, wherever the cone of the winds r there will be significant damage, just too early to tell exactly where that will be and the extent of that damage and we will have to wait to see. >> reporter: inside the emergency command center in about bethesda, they are watching sandy, already activated their emergency teams and calling in reinforcements. >> we are doing everything we possibly can to prepare. >> reporter: pepco regional president says they will need to repair damaged infrastructure before getting into neighborhoods but at least in this case there is time to prepare. >> the difference between what we just experienced on june
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29th and the -- is something that came through the system quickly. this is something that's going to come on our system in sit what were rabbit the rest of us -- >> reporter: what about the rest of us what are we getting ready to do to prepare. flashlights and batteries and bottled water, that sand, no bags. >> eat out of a can if you can't get a stove going. i'm a girl scout and be prepared. >> reporter: storm manager jason carlson says there's been a rush on generators, this an $800.01. it's already been sold. >> right now we are out but working on getting more in. >> reporter: he says he can't keep them in stock. >> we brought this in from another storm last evening and the first thing this morning they were out the door. >> reporte: even though we are a couple of days away, the maryland state fire marshal's office has put out safety tips for all of us to consider. we can put them on the screen for you for lighting purposes, they suggest you use
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flashlights, not candles but if you do use cancelled candles, make sure they are on a sturdy surface and keep them away from combustsables -- combustibles. if you're one of the lucky ones to have a generator, don't refuel it while it's running and keep it outside, away from open doors and windows, you don't want the exhaust getting inside and pepco officials also have another thing they want everybody to consider, that when the powerlines come down, treat them like they are hot but they are likely on. >> good advice tonight. >> our team coverage continues now with beth parker live in northwest d.c. where crews are preparing for possible flooding ahead of the storm. beth, take it away. >> reporter: well, will, of course there are lots of people concerned about this storm, and in our area some of the biggest worries have to be here in the blooming daily neighborhood of d.c. as many of you know, this is an area that has been hit hard by flooding in the past,
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including by the drapeo when it roared through this summer. first the beeping, then a giant claw, is lowered into a storm drain. >> dirt, all this type of stuff down there. >> reporter: joe bowman and this d.c. water crew are getting rid of debris. >> we are going to be out here working. >> reporter: hoping it might spare this blooming daily neighborhood that has -- bloomingdale neighborhood that has had so much trouble with flooding. but this man owns two businesses here and he worries it won't be enough. >> is not going to last forever. >> reporter: he took us to the basement right below his coffee shop. >> push it back, the wire comes down here. >> reporter: sandbags from the last flood still piled on the floor here. >> doesn't stop the whole thing, but it's minimizing it, i'm sure. >> reporter: it is not unusual for him to lose inventory when the floodwaters rush in.
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>> frustrating, actually. what can you do? >> reporter: inventory is also on the minds of those across the river at old town ace hardware, in the battery aisle there isn't much inventory left. >> batteries, flashlights, plastic rps, anything that anyone thinks they are going to need for a storm, cover anything up, windows, caulking, that type of thing. >> and what's the morning been like here? >> hectic. >> reporter: phones have been ringing all day with calls from people wanting to buy generators, they don't have any at the moment. blocks away, boat owners remember trying to tie down their vessels, worried about what sandy might bring. back out live here in bloomingdale, you can see in front of me there are lots of halloween decorations out here, this storm has not arrived yet obviously but it is already impacting halloween in del rey, in the -- excuse me, in the del rey neighborhood of alexandria.
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they have had to cancel their halloween parade which was scheduled for sunday. you look out here and see some of these tattered umbrellas that are part of the decorations here in d.c. and we are hoping it's not a metaphor for how this halloween may turn out. live in the district, i'm beth parker, back into, will. >> using the term frankenstorm giving the timing. >> you can keep it here on fox 5 news for the next 90 minutes as we track hurricane sandy and you can download the fox 5 weather app for instant access to the weather forecast. it features updated videos from our meteorologists, weather alerts and you can use it to submit your own weather pictures and video with a click of a button, you can download it on your iphone, ipad or your droid. >> if there's ever a time to download it it is now. we are going to have all the details of voting for you. plus a presidential candidate forced to cancel an appearance in virginia ahead of the hurricane's arrival. we will have the latest from
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the campaign trail. and casino reps come to a job fair ahead of a big gambling expansion vote in maryland. find out why people in our area could still get hired even if the measure does not pass. gary. thanks a lot, shawn. even though hurricane sandy seems to be creeping along, only move north now at 7 miles per hour and thank goodness it appears to be weakening, we are going to end up having -- can you guys switch -- is it possible to switch it over to max 3? i want to show how broad this storm is. it's a big storm and if we didn't have the clouds in place right now, we would already be seeing the northern edge of cloud canopy from hurricane sandy. so a very, very large storm and of course it's moving north, slowed down a little bit, 7 miles per hour. coming back on the other side of this break, more news and a look at our local forecast for this evening. all that coming up. stay with us.  anncr: their ads, hopelessly untrtrue.
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a west virginia casino launching the biggest ad barrage ever. don't be misled. the washington post says question seven is just... common sense. it'll create 4,000 permanent jobs. and stop maryland from losing millions to other states... every year. that's why business, labor, and teachers all support... question seven. and so does the washington post. vote for question seven. it's just common sense. look, the reason i'm in this race is there are people that are really hurting today in this country. and we face this deficit -- could crush the future generations. and republicans and democrats both love america but we need to have leadership --
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leadership in washington that will actually bring people together and get the job done and could not care less if it's a republican or a democrat. i've done it before, i'll do it again. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. we are back now with more on hurricane sandy. this storm is already having an effect on the presidential race. president barack obama camp is keeping a close eye on the storm. they are urging residents to monitor the weather reports. mitt romney's camp cancelled an appearance. today romney took his campaign to the battleground state of iowa. his focus there the economy and on a new government report that shows the economy growing but
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at a slow rate. romney called the report discouraging. >> the president's campaign slogan is this, forward, but to 23 million americans trying to find a good job these last four years feel a lot more like backward. >> president obama is off the campaign trail today resting up after spending 40 straight hours on the road campaigning in eight battleground states. the white house however did react to that new economic report saying there is more work to do to fix the country's money problems. the report shows the economy is heading in the right direction. tens of millions of dollars are being spent in hopes of influencing maryland voters as they decide on question 7, a majority in favor would mean expanded gambling in the state to include prince george's county. today the county executive held a rally in support of that move as a possible casino held a job fair. fox 5 news' pop wagner joins us with -- paul wagner joins us with that story. >> reporter: today mgm resorts
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held a job fair for casino and hospitality jobs that may never come to be, a fact that didn't seem to bother the people who showed up. inside the owner's lounge, representatives with mgm reports international were accepting resumes but not applications from prospective employees. more of a meet and greet, you might say. >> mgm resorts international is a hospitality company and we are absolutely interested in building a destination report at national harbor if the referendum passes so we are hopeful of that but we are here to talk about who we are as an employer. >> reporter: organizers say about 200 people dropped by to see what not only mgm might not have to offer but what other national harbor employers had available as well. job seekers we talked to were looking for work related to hospitality. >> over 20 years in the nightclub entertainment industry or looking for entertainment or hospitality or recruiting. >> reporter: while that was going on, down at national
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harbor, county executive baker was holding a rally in support of question 7, urging undecided voters to look at the possibilities. although mgm would like to build a casino at the harbor, the company will still have to go through a bidding process before winning the license it wants. lawmakers endorsing question 7 say the millions of dollars now being spent at casinos out of state will now stay in maryland. if approved, the profits going to the state are specifically earmarked for education. >> from a pr perspective, not a bad move today. paul, thank you. maryland governor martin o'malley say hurricane -- run through thursday, november the 1st. but with maryland, now under a state of emergency, early voting could be postponed, moved to other locations or other voting options may have to be arranged. o'malley's office says it is watching developments with the storm and will be in touch with
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the local board of election officials. >> we just heard -- you heard us talk about sandy. let's talk about the local forecast and how things are shaping up outside in our region tonight. gary mcgrady. >> reporter: cloudy today. we talked about this yesterday. we would be mostly cloudy and it looked like hopefully some of these clouds would break up, give us some limited amounts of sunshine by late this afternoon, but unfortunately really hasn't cooperated. a couple of reasons why too. i want you to see the satellite picture. i mentioned as we were teasing out of that last segment there that we were already beginning to get some of the high clouds, the high cirrus clouds blowing off the top of sandy so as you look at this satellite picture here, yes, you can see low clouds in place but you also see the sense of the high clouds moving across from southeast to northwest and those high clouds actually limited some of the sunshine that we needed to burn off the lower clouds, so not much in the way of sunshine today and i
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don't expect we will get much more before the sun begins to set over the next hour or so. 68 degrees here, even with the clouds we still managed to get up close to 70 degrees, gaithersburg 66, dulles 68 and there's culpeper at 70 degrees. later on this evening, mostly cloudy skies at 7:00. don't worry about your umbrella or anything like that because i think we are going to stay dry, we will have fog forming later on this evening and the temperature will be dropping down into the lower 60s or so. we always remind you about the fox 5 weather app especially when we come into one of these weather events like this and we use it a lot during severe weather. something else that has the tropical weather as well but this is -- you can download it right there or the android market as well and i have on the tropical settings here so you can get a sense, we will zoom in quickly, there's no rain around but one of the neat features here once you load on
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the tropical tracker it will show you the up-to-date tropical track. let me see if i can move t starts all the way from the current position of where sandy is right now. you hit on that and it will show you all of the newest information exactly what we showed you earlier, movement of the speed is north at 7, you can come right up along and touch any of the dots here, any of the locaters we will show you where it's expected to be in the forecast as it moves up the eastern schorsch or eastern atlantic and the atlantic coastline there and it also will keep you up to date with the warnings posted and right now tropical storm warnings extend all the way up to the north carolina, virginia coastline so again it's free, fox 5 weather app you can get it on itunes on the droid market and supersimple and if you haven't done it yet you need to do it. good shape all weekend long. >> download it right now. thank you, gary. the national park services, a brand-new national christmas tree will be planted on the ellipse near the white house this weekend. the planting is scheduled for
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tomorrow before hurricane sandy hits. a 20-foot colorado bruce spruce being transported from a site in virginia. the new tree will replace the one after it died after a year of transplant shock. breaking news out of las vegas, nevada where senate majority leader harry reid involved in a car crash. he was rear-ended on the interstate. you are looking at a live picture of the crash scene. no word on reid's condition. we will continue to follow this according to the associated press it appears to be a chain reaction crash as many as six vehicles may have been involved. it happened about 1:10 this afternoon. that's their time. it would be 3:10 our time. we are not exactly sure why reid is in las vegas but first lady michelle obama was set to give a speech in las vegas today and reid's wife was speaking at that event. more information to come as we get it. as we continue tonight on the
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5, metro making plans to open early for the marine corp. marathon. coming up, everything you need to know ahead of this weekend's big race. coming up in sports, what can rg3 expect in his first big trip to the seal city plus a positive update on amanda flesher. news at 5:00 continues after this. this. president obama: there's just no quit in n america...
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and you're seeing that right now. over five million new jobs. exports up forty one percent. home values... rising. our auto industry... back. and our heroes are coming home. we're not there yet, but we've made real progress and the... last thing we should do is turn back now. here's my plan for the next four years: making education and training a national priority; building on our manufacturing boom; boosting american-made energy; reducing the deficits responsibly by cutting where... we can, and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. and ending the war in afghanistan, so we can... do some nation-building here at home. that's the right path. so read my plan, compare it to governor romney's...
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and decide which is better for you. it's an honor to be your president... and i'm asking for your vote... so together, we can keep moving america forward. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. fox 5 news is monitoring metro tonight, stations will open two hours early on sunday to accommodate the marine corp marathon, some 40,000 runners are expected to take part in the race. metro says trains will begin running at 5:00 a.m. sunday, additional blue line trains before and after the race will be made available to accommodate all those runners. well, the organizers for the marine corp marathon held a press -- they honored special
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guests including rob rigel. he will serve as the marathon's grand marshal. today he shared how he went from the front lines to the big screen. he also shared his 9/11 story. >> was in new york on 9/11 and my reserve unit was the only reserve unit in manhattan, so we were activated actually the night of september 11th, i got a call from my co saying record to ground zero on the morning of the 12th, which i did and started moving rubble by hand in the bucket brigades. >> some 2000 marines will help execute the marathon placing cones, passing out drinks and handing on the the medals. it kicks off 7:55 sunday morning in arlington. >> oning that is on my bucket list. no time soon but on my bucket list. >> you've got a while. >> you've got to train for it and all that. we are still tracking hurricane sandy. the storm has left a path of destruction all across the caribbean and now has its sight set on the east coast.
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gary is back with the latest right after the break. maureen. >> reporter: here at this grocery store a lot of people are preparing for hurricane sandy. the store has a sign up telling you what you should get. i'm maureen umeh. i'll have the details coming up. and this storm could cause massive power outages. we are going to tell you how to protect your food when the lights go out. stay with us. [ edmonds ] he doesn't really y care where a good idea comes from. you know, it could come from a democrat like me or it could come from anybody. we made things happen. we balanced budgets. i knew he really cared about all of the things we had to get done. and the work that we were doing and its impact on people. [ lindstrom ] he was very sensitive to those programs and taking care of the women and children. [ edmonds ] i see qualities in the man that makes me know i can put the nation in his hands and feel very good about it. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage, not knowing what it was for. just days later, all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plant is now closed and all of you are fired... i looked both ways, i looked at the crowd, and...we all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income. mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage, it was like building my own coffin, and it just made me sick. [ male announcer ] priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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hurricane sandy is leaving a deadly and destructive trail across the caribbean. at least 39 people are dead in jamaica and haiti, the storm battered houses, downed trees and powerlines and caused massive flooding. as sandy pushes closer to the u.s., a state of emergency has been declared in d.c., maryland and virginia. so what can we expect in our region? let's get back to gary for an update. >> a lot of heavy rain, a lot
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of high wind and a lot of power outages and a lot of coastal flooding out of this. that's what we can expect initially. we will get more detailed into that, especially as the storm gets closer to us, we start with radar here because i want to show you we are already getting these storms now coming off of sandy and again miami received a bunch of rain yesterday, now places all the way as far north as orlando and even eventually jacksonville will be getting these very, very heavy rain bands off to the western side of hurricane sandy. switching over to tropical models we call these the that g.e.t. -- the spaghetti slots and models. look how tight that is. that's for the next 48 hours or to the future, look and see what's happening now. much like yesterday, just about all the models take it a little bit out of sea and then make that left turn towards the
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coastline, whether it's the mid- atlantic or all the way up towards long island or even the cape, we are going to get this storm in here and again, shawn, we are expecting heavy rain, i mean, in some cases, i mean, this could be monumental flooding. we are talking about the rainfall totals being well up over a foot in some places and i don't know if you noticed there but in the spaghetti models and i'll show them again in the full forecast. a lot of these models are doing a loop de loop with the storm which means it's going to stick around for an extended period of time bringing more rain to places. >> that brings up isabel. let's hope that does not happen. four people hunk -- before people hunker down for the storm a lot of you stocking up at the grocery store right now, candles, water, all the essentials. maureen umeh is live. i think there's a hope go over there too -- home depot too as i recall. >> we are heading there as soon as we are done here.
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as you might expect with the storm coming a lot of people are preparing, it's a friday night so you might assume people would go grocery shopping anyway. the volume here seems to be higher than usual with a lot of people heading inside. but they seem to be taking this, this impending storm in stride. let's show you video we shot a little while ago. we have seen lots of full carts and the stores doing business but no one seems to be in a panic over the storm. we haven't seen that yet. people are buying all sorts of things including the usual, getting water, toilet paper, getting milk, bread. you saw that sign i held up during the tease. that's what the store put up telling people what they need for their hurricane preparedness kit. many say they are not sure if the storm is coming but don't want to be caught unprepared. >> for sandy we got hummus, garlic stuff, gushers, pasta that we can make upstairs in the kitchen so we don't have to torrential out in the pouring -- trudge out in the pouring rain.
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>> don't forget the potato chips. >> yes, the dill pickle potato chips. >> if it comes, you guys are ready? >> yes. i put it like this, if it's going to come, it's going to come but you know what? it's not going to come because i'm going to be positive. every time they say it, everybody go to the grocery store, spending all their money and you know what happens? it never comes. >> reporter: don't you just love her. you know, we got a lot of people saying exactly here, this has got to be one of the most spiritual giants in the d.c. metro area, because a lot of people saying they are putting their faith in a higher power and trusting that the storm is going to roll through and that's going to be the end of it. we are going to be out here surveying the scene and seeing what folks are doing to prepare for sandy. >> i love the positive thinking and the dill chips. maureen. thank you. while you stock up at the grocery store, it is also good to know when it's time to throw out. if you lose power, according to the usda, refrigerated foods
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should be face as long as power is out no longer than four hours. after that you should throw away perishable food above 40 degrees for more than two hours. we are talking about things like meat, eggs and leftovers. so throw those things out. you don't want to get sick. >> expensive but hard to do. the forecast is changing by the minute. we will have another update towards the bottom of the hour. also ahead, preventing lead poisoning, while health officials are seeing an increase in the number of children being diagnosed. sed.
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>> apple is still the leader in cool, but there is another horse in this race and with a number like 56 million, samsung is in the lead. i'm stuart boning, see you monday morning on the fox business network. fox 5 morning news, the best thing first thing in the morning. one: the debt will grw from $16 trillion to $20 trillion. two: 20 million americans could lose their employer-based health care. three: taxes on the middle class will go up by $4,000. four: energy prices will continue to go up. and five: $716 billion in medicare cuts that hurt current seniors. five reasons we can't afford four more years of barack obama. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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when we think no one is looking. is what we do.... mitt romney: believe that they are victims. anncr: mitt romney thought no one was looking when... he attacked forty-seven percent of americans.
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his companies shipped jobs overseas. his plan cuts millionaires' taxes, but raises yours. he'll voucherize medicare... and make catastrophic cuts to education. so remember what romney said... and what his plan would do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. this week is lead poisoning prevention week. health officials and organizations working to help children and parents are trying to get the word out and if you think your family isn't affected, get ready for an eye opener from our next guest. ruth ann norton is the executive director of the coalition to prevent child lead poisoning. new guidance from the cdc have are dramatically increased the number of children being diagnosed with lead poisoning. >> they have. in fact, the new guidelines claims there's absolutely no safe lead per child at all. we previously told the families
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with kids with level 10 or below 10 were fine. we know there are now 442,000 cases and the united states because of the new guidelines and over 600 a year here in d.c. >> so even a small amount of lead exposure could be associated with say learning difficulties? >> equivalent three granules of sugar of leaded dust which breaks down from old lead based paint because of renovation or age is the amount it takes to poison a child for their lifetime. >> so not much. when and how can parents get their children tested? >> they can contact washington -- the city of washington's health department or they can call us at 800-370- 800-370- 5323 and we can connect this with testing in their home and for the child. >> in maryland many cases you are seeing are in middle class families, right? >> the majority of children outside the city of baltimore are coming from homeowner occupied middle class families, that's right. >> there's new maryland
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legislation that could impact thousands of families doing renovation. >> at the end of every renovation in an older home built before 1978, the year that lead based paint was banned, you now have to get a lead dust clearance test to ensure that your house is safe and not going to poison your health or your children. >> what kind of help are you getting in the way of help from congress? >> congress reeliminated the funding for the -- they have cut the programs at h.u.d., all of this at the same time that they have made the guidelines such that we have hundreds of thousands more cases. >> let me give that phone number out just one more time, 800-370-5323. thank you for helping us shed light on lead poisoning especially in children. >> thank you. >> it's pretty alarming when you consider the staggering numbers now with these new guidelines. coming up as the 5 continues, two children found dead in an apartment.
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the suspect their own nanny. we are going to have the latest. and hurricane sandy could have a huge impact on new jersey's coastal areas. a live report on preparations now underway still ahead tonight. and gary is back with the latest on where sandy is right now and when the hurricane is expected to impact our area. stay with us. ike leggett: gaming generated one hundred and eighty... million dollars for maryland schools. question seven will double it. rushern baker: question seven will add table games and... a new casino, generating millions of dollars... every year, without raising taxes. leggett: and audits will ensure the money goes... where it's supposed to. more jobs, and millions for schools. baker: question seven will be good for our kids... our teachers, and our schools. leggett: keep maryland money in maryland. baker: please vote for question seven. leggett: vote for question seven.
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we were told to build a 30-foot stage. gathered the guys and we built that 30-foot stage, not knowing what it was for. just days later, all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. a group of people walked out on that stage and told us that the plant is now closed and all of you are fired... i looked both ways, i looked at the crowd, and...we all just lost our jobs. we don't have an income.
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mitt romney made over 100 million dollars by shutting down our plant and devastated our lives. turns out that when we built that stage, it was like building my own coffin, and it just made me sick. [ male announcer ] priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. prand you're seeing that rightto quit in amnow.a...ction over five million new jobs. exports up forty one percent. home values... rising. our auto industry... back. and our heroes are coming home. we're not there yet, but we've made real progress and the... last thing we should do is turn back now. here's my plan for the next four years: making education and training a national priority; building on our manufacturing boom; boosting american-made energy; reducing the deficits responsibly by cutting where... we can, and asking the wealthy to pay a little more.
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and ending the war in afghanistan, so we can... do some nation-building here at home. that's the right path. so read my plan, compare it to governor romney's... and decide which is better for you. it's an honor to be your president... and i'm asking for your vote... so together, we can keep moving america forward. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. hurricane sandy is still days away but forecasters say the worst of these storms could hit new jersey and new york city. new jersey coastal areas are prone to flooding so residents and officials there are already starting to prepare. reporter adrienne sopino is live. what is the situation out there right now? >> reporter: good evening, they are definitely beginning to prepare for sandy here on the jersey shore and you can see this equipment behind me is actually draining this lake. this is a retention lake with a
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high probability for flooding, so they are draining it so that it can take on more water in this storm. and you know, it was just over a year ago that governor chris christie here in new jersey stood on the boardwalk here and urged people to get off the beach because hurricane sandy was coming and now there could be an even bigger storm, emergency management officials tell us that here if you were impacted by irene, you're probably going to be hit by sandy. there's a lot of possibilities here in new jersey, coastal flooding, inland flooding, high winds and of course power outages and today accordingly we saw many people stocking up at the store batteries, water, food, one woman stocking up for as much as five days, people were pulling their boats out of the water and generally bracing for what could be a pretty major storm once again here in new jersey. >> thank you so much for the update. i think everybody is doing a little bit of the same thing up and down the east coast.
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thanks for giving us an update from there tonight. just as we heard from adrian and as we have been hearing from you, gary and sue, a lot of possibilities here. >> absolutely and i'll be the first one to tell you that i hope we are wrong and this thing goes out to sea. but looking at the setup meteorologically with the big trough to the west of us and a big area of high pressure to the east of us, kind of making a roadway for this hurricane to come right up the coast and again, i am not that it can get far enough out to sea and doesn't get pulled back, but when this many models begin to think it's going to make this left turn, that's the only thing we can base this on. >> you do hear people say the media, they are blowing it out of proportion. >> absolutely. >> this guy here is the last person to do that. we always talk about this and you're always the won to sort of downplay and wait and see. >> i don't jump on twitter and start throwing things out there. i don't believe in that. i've been doing this a long time. i've forecasted hurricanes in north carolina, i grew up with hurricanes in the gulf coast of
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texas and i'm serious about this stuff. i just don't like hype. i just put out what we see with the forecast and we modeled the hurricane center forecast here and that's about the best we can do. deerfield beach, pictures out of there, the sea is rough and churned up and going to be that way all up and down the east coast for the next several days. high seas of course. we are going to have massive storm surge issues once hurricane sandy gets closer to the northeast. we are going to have rip current issues as well and then you have the coastal flooding and you're going to have the fresh water inland flooding as well from all the rain. looking at our satellite picture here at home, just clouds in place, low level clouds, now we are actually getting some of the northern extent from hurricane sandy coming up from the south. look how broad it is, here's the center, basically they are just about to pull out of the bahamas. it's about 400 or so miles to the south-southeast of charleston south carolina and again the canopy extends all
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the way up here into the mid- atlantic. so it's a big storm. it weakened quite a bit the last 24 hours and it looks like it continues to hold right there just a little bit over hurricane strength winds right now 75 miles per hour, movement has slowed dramatically the last 24 hours. it was racing along yesterday northwest at about -- to -- north-northwest at about 20. the pressure holding steady. that's good news. we don't want to see this hurricane getting any stronger and actually is forecast to weaken a little bit, down to tropical storm strength by early sunday morning but then find a little bit warmer water here, a little bit less wind shear and then get stronger again and perhaps becoming another hurricane just offshore of south carolina and north carolina and, again, it's this big westerly turn that we are all going to be waiting for. the track hasn't changed much. once they begin to move it a little farther south yesterday,
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it comes up basicallyinto the m the line here, which we don't want to focus on at all, but it gives you some idea of at least the center of this cone brings it right up through the delaware bay, cape may right there, sometime tuesday afternoon and then still moving around here on wednesday and again thinking of this as a line or thinking of this as a point is not the idea here because we know when it begins to shift over into an extra tropical storm, the wind field is going to go from a small wind package to a much greater wind field package which we can see some tropical storm gusts, tropical storm sustained winds, some 300 to 350 miles in all directions around the center of the storm. in terms of these models here, you can see how closely they are packed together as it moves up the coast. all of them make it turn off to the left right now and bring it into the mid-atlantic or the northeast but something that we are just now seeing is that a lot of them are kind of doing a
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loop de loop and holding the storm in place for several days. that means the potential for even greater rains. the potential for even greater flooding. this is futurecast, we will watch the storm coming on up. tomorrow at noon we could have a few showers coming in that will linger on through the day on sunday. by monday morning, here is the very, very heavy rain coming up into the mid-atlantic, over up into the i-95 corridor and even back into colder air we are going to see some snow, monday nothing changes except the rain gets a little bit further entrenched into the area here so we are going to have a good 24 to 48 hours of sustained rain right here through the mid- atlantic. back here at home, your accuweather forecast tonight we are down to about 58, we will have clouds in place, foggy spots too, a little bit of sunshine tomorrow, but not much and as we progress through the day, after 3:00 and then on through the late day and into the evening hours that's when
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the rain begins to come in, showers all day sunday, again i've been saying this, i haven't really changed this forecast much at all. we start getting colder and then the wind and the rain comes in. we will be getting more and more specific about how much rain we think, how think the wind is going to be, how long the wind is going to stick around and of course that's going to dictate potential power outages and other problems and of course the coastal flooding, the storm surge, there's a lot to this storm. >> we know you guys are staying on top of it. right now from sandy to focus on hometown sports. this sunday the redskins travel to the keystone state to take on the pittsburgh steelers. this will be rg3's first trip to the steel city. lindsay murphy joining us with more. >> reporter: we've been keeping track of london fletcher, he has a hamstring strain and balance issues. he's being evaluated by a neurologist. finally positive reports. he does not have a condition
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cushions -- concussion. he was able to go through practice. rg3, his first trip to pittsburgh. so far on the road redskins have won twice away from fedex field. they beat the saints in new orleans, the bucs in tampa so chris cooley will more than likely see some time at the tight end position on sunday. logan paulson will be the starter at that position. as for griffin who last week faced a hostile crowd in new jersey against the giants, going on the road in the steel city, just another check in the experienced category. >> look forward to it, look forward to going out there and seeing how their fans are, i'm pretty sure it's going to be pretty loud, their fan base is very fanatic and i take in all those experiences but at the same time i know i'm there to do a job so it will be fun and loud and it's our job to go out there and execute. >> i played in pittsburgh my rookie year, one of my all time favorite away games. that place is insane. i feel lucky to be back and i
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woke up monday morning and thought i'm honestly going to be playing football in pittsburgh on sunday, six days from now and that's kind of mind blowing to me but it will be a great atmosphere and i'm looking forward to any chance i get to play. >> and we probably will see cooley on sunday. however, mike shanahan tight lipped about cooley's role this week. london fletcher, his streak of 241 consecutive games played could be on the line sunday. >> have a safe road trip. let's check in with brian for what's coming up next at 6:00. >> tracking hurricane sandy on the news edge. this system could turn into a monster storm. we will have the latest as the east coast is in its path. the presidential campaign is in the home stretch. the focus now, the battleground of all battleground states, ohio. those stories and much more just ahead on the news edge at 6:00. anncr: it's said that character is what we do...
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when we think no one is looking. mitt romney: believe that they are victims. anncr: mitt romney thought no one was looking when... he attacked forty-seven percent of americans. his companies shipped jobs overseas. his plan cuts millionaires' taxes, but raises yours. he'll voucherize medicare... and make catastrophic cuts to education.
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so remember what romney said... and what his plan would do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. and this is maryland. teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine.
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look, the reason i'm in this race is there are people that are really hurting today in this country. and we face this deficit -- could crush the future generations. and republicans and democrats both love america but we need to have leadership -- leadership in washington that will actually bring people together and get the job done and could not care less if it's a republican or a democrat.
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i've done it before, i'll do it again. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. a new york city police officer is in jail accused of hatching a plot to torture women and eat their body parts. gilberto valle appeared in court yesterday. prosecutors say he left a trail of e-mails, instant messages and computer files detailing his scheme. two children murdered in their new york apartment, their nanny is the prime suspect. the children's mom came home to find her 1-year-old son and 6- year-old daughter stabbed to death in the bathroom. police say the nanny identified as 50-year-old yazlin ortega has self-inflicted stab wounds and lying near the tab. she is in critical condition. police say it's unclear how long that nanny had worked for this family. more johns are now expected to be named in a prostitution scandal in maine. police say alexis wright ran a
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prostitution ring out of her zumba fitness studio and secretly videotaped the encounters. she pled not guilty to several charges. the names of 21 men have already been released about two weeks ago including a former mayor and the local high school ice hockey coach. thanks for joining us tonight at 5:00. >> the news edge at 6:00 starts right now. right off the top tonight, hurricane sandy, it is surging on track to become an historic storm, already d.c., maryland and virginia have issued states of emergency. let's get right to it with fox 5's meteorologist sue palka. >> we are going to be talking about sandy for a number of days. we have a little bit of time to prepare yet, you have the weekend to get ready. we want to show you the latest. it is still a category 1 hurricane but this is going to be a hybrid storm, brian, it's going to transition from a tropical


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